Bed's Stuff - Articles in Software category


Since we develop Windows applications at work, its now starting to become more common for clients to be running Vista. We found our first compatibility issue last week - performing ICMP pings that worked on XP nolonger worked - the API actually failed.

One of the quickest ways to find problems, is for the development enviroment to be moved from XP to Vista. So relunctantly, I am seting up a Vista Business virtual machine for this purpose.

I was quite suprised, however to discover that my Bed's Printer Switcher application works perfectly in it. I was impressed to discover that OSX did this all for me - I don't know if Vista does (it bloody well SHOULD), but if it doesn't at least that will work without fiddling.

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CopyAttachmentToClipboard for Thunderbird 0.5


Note: Due to me not using Thunderbird anymore - this extension is nolonger being maintained. If someone would like to take it over, by all means do so.

This extension for windows Thunderbird 2 adds a 'Copy attachment to clipboard' menu option when you right click on one or more attachments. This allows you to then paste the file(s) into an explorer window, or any other application that supports pasting files.
Download - xpi File - 93Kb


v0.5 2008-27-02  
- Attempt to fix a reported issue with messages not opening in a new  
window. Changed a variable name that may have been conflicting.

v0.4 2008-22-01  
- When no attachments are selected all attachments are copied  
- The Menu item's caption reflects how many attachments will be copied  
and if you have selected them or not

v0.3 2007-05-02  
- fixed 'redeclaration of constant' error that was appearing in the
error console

v0.2 2007-05-01  
- menu option now appears for messages opened in a new window
(previously only worked in the preview pane)

v0.1 2007-04-28  
- initial release

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Bed's Printer Switcher


Bed's Printer Switcher is a small utility for Windows XP and Vista that enables automatic switching of the Windows Default Printer depending on what network you are connected to. It installs into the system tray and can be configured to exit after switching a printer - I generally have it start it up with windows, 60 seconds later it will change my printer to the appropriate one depending if I'm at home or work and then go away.

Note: This software is no longer being maintained by me, due to moving to Apple's OSX from windows.


HISTORY 2007-03-21  
- Fixed issue with constantly setting the same printer 2007-03-19  
- Proper printer switching for Win2K/XP/Vista. Now won't get errors in
Word etc, after automatic switching 2006-11-21  
- initial release

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LJBackup is a GPLed (see LICENSE.TXT) win32 application for backing up and searching through livejournal entries. It currently supports the following functions:

  • backup
  • re-backup (from given date)
  • re-backup (single entry)
  • Displays text entry
  • Display entry in default browser
  • Filter entries by date
  • Filter entries by keyword (on Entry, Subject, Mood, Music)

Note: LJBackup is nolonger maintained by me. Source code is available below.



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Version 1.7

This is a small utility that aids in converting bitmaps, gifs and jpegs into windows icons. It works best with all the icon pages on the net that store the pictures in an OS-neutral format.? Freeware- source available below.



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Andrew Bednarz - otherwise known as Bed, is a software engineer with ~30 years of experience across many technologies.. Husband. Father. Nerd. Former and occasional software engineer. An optimisitic pessimist 🤘